We have been able to learn a lot about sustainable cities through conducting this web case. It has provided us with different insights about how social, economic, and environmental factors are all interconnected. All of these factors play a role in whether or not a city is sustainable or not. We must address social issues such as homelessness and substance abuse. The importance in addressing social issues like these is saving the lives of people in
The part of the web case that could be sharpened is the organization and placement of each page. The order of the pages could be changed to show a more logical flow of information. The gaps in our research include a lack of first person accounts of people experiencing homelessness or substance abuse. Having direct experience with these issues can play a part in how things are interpreted. This would maybe be some additional information we could include. We feel we touched base on each theme that we wanted to display for our webcase. We organized these themes to touch base on every aspect of these issues that we wanted to explore.